The Wissembourg Priscian Glosses

Digital Edition - Technical Documentation

The Primary Text

As reference the text of Hertz' edition is used. All differences of the Wissembourg manuscript Cod. Guelf. 50 Weiss compared to this edition are given in the transcription.

Text without differences

<quote source="#EDITION" n="II 1,0">
    <lb n="1"/>Priscianus Caesariensis grammaticus
    <lb n="2"/>Iuliano consuli ac patricio</quote>

Text with illegible characters

<quote source="#EDITION" n="II 1,2">sapientiae luce
    <lb n="4"/>
    <gap reason="illegible" unit="char" quantity="7"/>
    gens a Graecorum fontibus deriuatum Latinos proprio</quote>

Text with restored characters

<quote source="#EDITION" n="II 1,2">sapientiae luce
    <lb n="4"/>
    <gap reason="illegible" unit="char" quantity="7"/>
    <supplied resp="#CG" reason="illegible">praeful</supplied>
    gens a Graecorum fontibus deriuatum Latinos proprio</quote>

Added text

<quote source="#EDITION" n="II 1,5">
    etiam quosdam errores eorum amore 
    <add type="text-variation" hand="#scr">grecorum</add>
    doctorum deceptos imitari, in quibus</quote>

Omitted text

<quote source="#EDITION" n="II 1,0">
    <lb n="1"/>Priscianus Caesariensis grammaticus
    <lb n="2"/>Iuliano consuli ac patricio
<app type="text-variation" xml:id="tv-1-0-1">
    <lem wit="#EDITION">Caesariensis</lem>
    <rdg wit="#COD_50"/>

Annotating the Glosses

Type gloss

<app type="gloss" xml:id="gloss-1-3-2">
    <lem wit="#EDITION">celebrasse</lem>
    <rdg wit="#COD_50">
        <add place="interlinear above" hand="#gl-1" facs="#zone.1r.1" ana="#synonyms">diffamasse</add>

The value for the hand attribute is a reference to the hand definition in the teiHeader (teiHeaderfileDescsourceDescphysDesc)

    <handNote xml:id="gl-1">first glossator, id est Otfrid of Wissembourg</handNote>

The facs attribute contains a reference to a definition of a section of the corresponding picture of the manuscript.

    <surface xml:id="facs__00011" n="1r">
        <graphic url=""/>
        <zone xml:id="zone.1r.1" ulx="641" uly="262" lrx="699" lry="276"/>

In the ana attribute the definition of a category in a taxonomy given in the teiHeader (teiHeaderencodingDesc) is referenced.

    <taxonomy xml:id="common-glosses">
        <category xml:id="synonyms" n="212">
            <catDesc>Lexical gloss providing a synonym</catDesc>

Type rubrication

<app type="rubrication" xml:id="rubr-1-2-1">
    <lem wit="#EDITION">cum</lem>
    <rdg wit="#COD_50" hand="#scr"><hi rend="red capitalis">C</hi>um</rdg>

Type reference-signs

<app type="reference-signs" xml:id="rs-1-5-1">
    <lem wit="#EDITION">quibus</lem>
    <rdg wit="#COD_50">
        <add place="interlinear above" hand="#gl-1" facs="#zone.1r.11" ana="#lemma-gloss">
            <g ref="#two-horizontal-dots-with-acute"/>

Type text-variation

<app type="text-variation" xml:id="tv-2-2-1">
    <lem wit="#EDITION">impudenter</lem>
    <rdg wit="#COD_50" hand="#scr">inpudenter</rdg>