The Wissembourg Priscian Glosses



Transcribed range (2024-6-13): II 1,0 to II 25,27

Number of added reference signs: 85

Number of rubrications: 80

Number of emendations: 43

Number of text variations: 156

Number of glosses: 318

By hand:

Writer of the main text: 30

Otfrid of Wissembourg: 220

Second glossator: 48

Secondary (unidentified) writer(s): 20

By place:

interlinear above: 196

Main scribe: 27 / Otfrid: 123 / Second glossator: 31 / Secondary writer(s): 15

interlinear below: 1

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 0 / Second glossator: 1 / Secondary writer(s): 0

interlinear one line above: 3

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 0 / Second glossator: 3 / Secondary writer(s): 0

interlinear above and right margin: 2

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 0 / Second glossator: 2 / Secondary writer(s): 0

right margin: 58

Main scribe: 1 / Otfrid: 50 / Second glossator: 5 / Secondary writer(s): 2

left margin: 57

Main scribe: 2 / Otfrid: 47 / Second glossator: 5 / Secondary writer(s): 3

upper margin: 1

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 0 / Second glossator: 1 / Secondary writer(s): 0

By type of addition:

glosses on prosody: 0
length mark: 0
length of syllables: 0
comment on metre: 0
lexical glosses: 12

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 12 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 0

translation into Old High German: 8

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 7 / Second glossator: 1 / Secondary writer(s): 0

synonyms: 44

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 36 / Second glossator: 8 / Secondary writer(s): 0

negated antonyms: 0
definition given by an entire sentence: 2

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 2 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 0

Greek glosses: 23

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 14 / Second glossator: 1 / Secondary writer(s): 8

use of different prefixes: 0
adjectives glossed with a noun: 0
differentiae: 0
further derivations: 0
original parts of a word: 4

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 4 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 0

grammatical glosses: 0
grammatical glosses on the noun: 1

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 1 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 0

grammatical glosses on the pronoun: 0
grammatical glosses on verb participle and gerund: 0
grammatical glosses on the adverb: 1

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 1 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 0

grammatical glosses on the conjunction: 0
grammatical glosses on the preposition: 0
grammatical glosses on the interjection: 0
syntactical glosses: 1

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 1 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 0

syntactical glosses using symbols: 24

Main scribe: 24 / Otfrid: 0 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 0

suppletive glosses: 10

Main scribe: 1 / Otfrid: 5 / Second glossator: 2 / Secondary writer(s): 2

glosses containing an example: 4

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 4 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 0

commentary glosses: 1

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 0 / Second glossator: 1 / Secondary writer(s): 0

glosses decoding figures of speech: 1

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 0 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 1

glosses summarizing content: 3

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 0 / Second glossator: 3 / Secondary writer(s): 0

cross references: 0
elaborate comment on the main text: 0
quia glosses: 6

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 6 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 0

glosses elucidating the main text: 138

Main scribe: 3 / Otfrid: 101 / Second glossator: 28 / Secondary writer(s): 6

glosses elucidating the main text with siglum auctoris: 1

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 0 / Second glossator: 1 / Secondary writer(s): 0

glosses elucidating the main text with a title: 3

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 0 / Second glossator: 3 / Secondary writer(s): 0

glosses elucidating the main text with red marginal title: 22

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 22 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 0

etymological glosses: 3

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 1 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 2

encyclopedic glosses: 1

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 1 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 0

geographical names: 4

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 4 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 0

source glosses: 0
source or comparison: 0
acquaintance with classics: 4

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 4 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 0

text variant: 10

Main scribe: 2 / Otfrid: 4 / Second glossator: 3 / Secondary writer(s): 1

contemporary socio historical context: 3

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 3 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 0

incomprehensible glosses: 1

Main scribe: 0 / Otfrid: 1 / Second glossator: 0 / Secondary writer(s): 0