II 5,1 (1v, 12) philosophi definiunt, uocem esse aerem tenuissimum ictum uel suum
Edition: uocem
Codex 50: lûtnussa (2nd glossator, interlinear above)
See AHDW s.v. [h]lûtnussa = nominative or accusative singular = "Klang, Laut"; Schwarz 1977, p. 31. Not only Otfrid, but also the second glossator wrote glosses in the vernacular.
2. (New Finding)
II 6,13 dicitur autem lit(1v, 27)era uel quasi legitera, quod legendi iter praebeat,
Edition: litera
Codex 50: litera· a lego et itere uel lituris dilenne (Otfrid, above the line) liniuntur enim cum cera tabulę. fricando enim deletur tabula (Otfrid, left margin)
For the OHG word dilenne see Rudolf Schützeichel, Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch. Siebente durchgesehene und verbesserte Auflage Berlin/Boston 2012, p. 312, s.v. ardīlēn = to delete. Dilenne is an infinitive in the dative case translating the instrumental ablative lituris of the gloss. We have here a gloss of a gloss. I am very thankful to Prof. Wolfgang Haubrichs for his expertise and precious help.
II 20,20 (4r, 2-3) θρίαμβος, gubernator κυβερνήτης, gobio κωβιός, Caere ἀπὸ τοῦ
Edition: gobio
Codex 50: nomen piscis |ID EST| kresso (Otfrid, right margin)
This OHG gloss was first edited by Hans Butzmann, Althochdeutsche Priscian-Glossen aus Weissenburg, PBB. 86/3 (Halle 1964), pp. 388-402, at p. 391, no. 1. See also BStK Online [accessed 13.02.2024].
II 21,17 (4r, 11) ascendi, laedo laesi, lego legi, pingo pinxi, demo dempsi, premo
Edition: pingo
Codex 50: malon (Otfrid, interlinear above)
This OHG gloss was first edited by Hans Butzmann, Althochdeutsche Priscian-Glossen aus Weissenburg, PBB. 86/3 (Halle 1964), pp. 388-402, at p. 391, no. 2. See also BStK Online: [accessed 13.02.2024].
II 21,21 (4r, 13) ut caelo caelaui, doleo dolui, uolo uolui, mollio molliui; p, turpo
Edition: mollio
Codex 50: uueichu (Otfrid, interlinear above)
This OHG gloss was first edited by Hans Butzmann, Althochdeutsche Priscian-Glossen aus Weissenburg, PBB. 86/3 (Halle 1964), pp. 388-402, at p. 391, no. 3. See also BStK Online [accessed 16.02.2024].
II, 21,22 (4r, 13-14) turpaui, stupeo stupui, scalpo scalpsi, lippio lippiui; s, quasso
Edition: lippio
Codex 50: male uideo |ID EST| blitichu (Otfrid, interlinear above)
This OHG gloss was first edited by Hans Butzmann, Althochdeutsche Priscian-Glossen aus Weissenburg, PBB. 86/3 (Halle 1964), pp. 388-402, at p. 391, no. 4.
II 24,9 (4v, 5) patrisso pro πατρίζω, pytisso pro πυτίζω, massa pro μᾶζα, et
Edition: pytisso
Codex 50: frequenter spuo· |VEL| rachison· |VEL| parum poto (Otfrid, interlinear above)
This OHG gloss was first edited by Hans Butzmann, Althochdeutsche Priscian-Glossen aus Weissenburg, PBB. 86/3 (Halle 1964), pp. 388-402, at p. 392, no. 5. It recurs in MS München, BSB, clm 280a, f. 6r
The gloss "frequenter spuo" occurs also in MS Köln 200, f. 6v and MS München, BSB, clm 18375, f. 11r. It seems that Otfrid firstly wrote "spuo uel rachison" and that he later added "frequenter" before "spuo" and "uel parum poto" after "rachison".
II 25,13 (4v, 15-16) e correpta transit in productam, lĕgo lēgi; in a, sĕror satus,
Codex 50: seror
Codex 50: gisaituuise (Otfrid, interlinear above)
This OHG gloss was first edited by Hans Butzmann, Althochdeutsche Priscian-Glossen aus Weissenburg, PBB. 86/3 (Halle 1964), pp. 388-402, at p. 392, no. 6, however in the reading: "gisaituuisu".